Friday, August 3, 2012

Blog on Assignment 3

This blog will be about the ideas that I will use to complete my final essay.  For this assignment, we have been asked to write a fiction story from the point of view of one of the characters from, "The Hunger Games", other than the main character Katniss.  We are to write about a scene in the novel, and also make up a new scene in the voice of that character.  The outcome of our paper will be to prove a hidden idea inside the text, and support it with our writing.

I have chosen to write in the perspective of Katniss' younger sister Prim.  I will use all of the emotions we are shown from the text to build a scene that we did not read about.  The in text scene I will talk about is probably the one from "The Reaping" when her name is called to be a tribune and Katniss volunteers to take her place.    I would like to accomplish giving my readers a different feel to Prim's character, and not to just look at her as Katniss' younger sister.  The most challenging part of writing this paper will be finding that outside "idea" to prove within my writing.