Friday, July 13, 2012


Its hot
The sun is shining and the air is suffocating
The sand burning my feet reminds me of a sizzling fajita skillet
                         Probably from Applebees
The ocean looks refreshing

As I lay on the blanket I replay the stress of my week
 like a movie on the inside of my eyelids
                                  work, school, boyfriend, bills
A friend pours a drink into my cup and I let out a sigh of relief after the first sip
I zone into the radio, while Beyonce sings my emotions

Theres a cool breeze from the ocean that revives me
                          Like smelling salts
I open my eyes
Im back to reality
          well maybe not completely
                               Not until I finish the rest of this drink


  1. Awesome poem, it sounds relaxing. Something that an average person would do in a hot weather. Also it would seem that the structure of the poem is ok and I see no problem what so ever

  2. Very well written. I can see the same format as Frank O'Haras poem. I dont see much wrong with the poem, as in my opinion I think its awesome and intriguing.
